Located 3km from Trasacco Valley off the Accra Tema Highway, Trasacco
Springs is the Premium Master Planned Community of serviced plots.
With landscaped communal areas and impressive entrance gates, excellent
infrastructure, amenities and master planning, Trasacco Springs gives
you the grounds and peace of mind to build your dream home.
Directional and dynamic the Trasacco Group, established in 1974, is made up of 12 separate companies, bringing together extensive local experience with international management standards to create a strong corporate organization in West Africa.
The Trasacco Group has a longstanding tradition in Ghana, dating back over 40 years. Today, each of the companies in the group are market leaders in their sector.
The Trasacco Group has a work force of around 2000 across Ghana and significant combined assets of equipment, facilities, land and human resources allowing it to operate effectively on simultaneous projects in different locations.
The diversity, strength and time spent in West Africa means the Trasacco Group offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise, making it an ideal partner to join force with in Ghana.
Thank you for your enquiry. I shall be in touch soon
Best wishes, Natalie Quaye, Senior Property Consultant Trasacco Springs